Monday, December 15, 2008

Trying not to kick the donkey...

In the Old Testament there is a story about a prophet Balaam. He was on a questionable mission when his loyal and longtime donkey stopped on the road. The donkey refused to move forward again. So Balaam beat the donkey – not once or twice but three times.

Finally, an Angel spoke to Balaam and said "Why have you beaten your poor donkey these three times? I have come here to block your way because you're getting way ahead of yourself. The donkey saw me and turned away from me these three times. If she hadn't, I would have killed you by this time, but not the donkey. I would have let her off" (The Message).

In her book, “Jesus CEO” Laurie Beth Jones describes that when you have unavoidable delays or opposition to a desired goal, it might be a test of courage and patience. So don’t beat the donkey. An angel just might be on the road.

She relates that unavoidable delays like flat tires that keep us from missing a plane, missed appointments, bankers who tell us “no”- all of these can be ‘donkeys’ stopping us from immediate movement forward. She advises that when the donkey you are on refuses to budge, don’t kick it. Get off the donkey, reassess the situation and look for an angel standing in the road.

It will be three weeks on Wednesday that I have had full adoption pre-approval from both the US and Viet Nam government (and all immigration processes satisfactorily completed) and have been told that our travel was put on hold.

So far, I have just been told that the hold is due to some paperwork assurance processes. (I have been told that my case being on “hold” is different that the other remaining prospective adoptive parents who have been on a delay.)

So, I am off the donkey and just a lookin’ high and low, “Angel! Where are you?”

In the meantime, I am enjoying the Christmas season here, time with friends and activities for Jordan and we may even take a trip this week to Florida to visit family.

Maybe the donkey will move forward or the angel will speak soon!


Dawn said...

Your patience is amazing!! That would have to be the hardest wait...knowing you are free to go, but yet, you still cannot. What is the issue with BN? When was the last time a family traveled there?? Hoping to get good news soon.

MSChaz said...

Sure, it COULD be an angel blocking the road.... or it COULD be a donkey blocking it.... : ) Kidding! Love your positive attitude. Thank you for sharing it. Here's hoping for good news this week!