Thursday, October 23, 2008

Clear skies ahead!


I found out on Monday of this week that my documents have been signed by the Department of International Adoption (DIA) in Hanoi, Viet Nam. My I-600 Form (Petition to classify orphan as a relative) is on its way to the US Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City. I have been told that within 8-14 days, I will receive acknowledgement that it has been signed and also be given our travel approval from Viet Nam.

It’s hard to imagine, but the last month has been a delay for everyone because an official in Viet Nam was gone on vacation, and no one could sign in his absence. Isn’t that something? I guess he returned because our papers were signed and we are expecting to travel to Viet Nam by mid-November. It is hard to be patient, but it is also easy to understand that many cultures and bureaucracies are different.

We went to Naples, Florida last week and visited family. It was awesome! My mom is turning 75 years old on October 29 (Happy Birthday Granny!) and the Florida family members (sans Buck and Robin) were on hand to have a cookout and party for Granny. We stayed at my mom’s house so I could visit with the ole’ gal (hehe), and Jordan could spend time with her Granny. My sister Cindy and her husband Willie, their daughter Amber and her baby Julian, their daughter Michelle, her husband Corey, and their daughter Taylor, and hopefully soon foster children Vanessa and Carlos, my sister Betsy and her children Chris and Helen Rose and my brother Butch, his wife Sandy and their son Anthony were all there to celebrate Mom’s ¾ century mark. Not a full clan but “half clan” celebration anyway!

Jordan loved her Aunt Dede’s (Cindy) pool and the beach. She brought home more sea shells for her collection, and enjoyed being the center of attention wherever she could. She is such a good traveler, and we are in a really great stage where she can color for awhile or watch movies on the DVD by herself. Our minimal 25 hour flight to Viet Nam will require stretching every bit of that new focused attention span.

So we are now home again in Texas, and filing for the travel visas, and finalizing packing and preparation. I need to finish my Christmas shopping too! My list o’ things to do is very long! It feels great to have the energy, excitement and enthusiasm readily on hand for the tasks. It seems easy when you know that a baby boy is coming home into our hearts and lives forever.

So before I dive in, I’ll take Annie dog for a walk on this 55 degree sunny beautiful fall day, and start in on tasks one at a time.

We are now proceeding to the hold line and monitoring the tower… stay tuned!


Dawn said...

CONGRATS ~ I was told he wasn't coming back to work until Monday!! I hope that means that there will be more very ours! CFC 7/11

Unknown said...

Congrats! I'll bet it's really starting to feel "real" now (I still remember those butterflies in the stomache just before we left for Kunming). Is Jordan getting excited?

Jennifer said...

Amen! Thank God for miracles!! I am so happy for you gals! The best is yet to come! My thoughts and prayers are with you today and everyday forward for a safe journey to and from with your bundle of joys! May God be with you during this exciting time! Big Hugs (Muah!)